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How to Build Anything

Easy step-by-step instructions cover the basics of building!
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Who taught you woodworking? Was it a father, mother, grandparent, or family friend? Do you have an interesting story to tell about the experience? If so, I'd like to include your writing in an upcoming anthology that I will publish in 2014. I'll select 25 stories only from all submissions, so choose your subjects carefully (see "Writing Your Story" below).


How to Submit Your Story
Copy and paste your story into the text box below, or send file attachment to: andy email



Email Address:

Your Story:


Writing Your Story
I’m looking for essays that are approximately 500-750 words; however, I’ll consider any submission that tells a compelling story. Be sure to add plenty of details. Close your eyes and imagine being in that workshop again.  What did it sound like? Look like? Smell like? Be specific, use names and dates and places. This will make your essay vivid and interesting to your readers.


Check out the links below for some good examples of this type of storywriting:


How to Submit Your Story
Copy and paste your story in the text box provided above.


Submitting Photos
I’d be glad to include a photo as part of your story (preferably a picture of your woodworking mentor). However, there’s no need to send photos now. If I choose your story for publication, I’ll send you further instructions for submitting the files.


No charge for submitting entries.


If I choose your story for inclusion in my anthology, you will receive five (5) printed copies free of charge (a $75 value). More importantly, your published story will be a lasting tribute to that special person who made a difference in your life.

Contact me here with any questions you might have about submitting your stories.


Good luck!